27 Hair Struggles Every Mixed Race Girl Understands

    "Oh, I have exactly the same hair as you...when I don't bother to tame it."

    1. Your hair's too thick for high street salons and too thin for afro hair shops...so your mate ends up cutting it.

    2. Everyone who used to diss your big hair at school is now ~a big fan~.

    3. Particularly when they now claim that their hair is ~exactly like yours~.

    4. Half of your head is made up of baby hair.

    5. You feel grateful every day you wake up to find your curls are still fully intact.

    6. Because you can't tell how your hair's going to look from one day to the next.

    7. Your hair is basically two races competing against each other.

    8. You spend hours straightening your hair only to go outside and have it return to its natural form immediately.

    9. Which is annoying because straightening comes with its own, very real, dangers.

    Mom: what's that's smell, is something burning ? Me: no mom, it's just my hair. ...mixed girl problems

    10. On the odd occasion when it does stay straight, you can feel completely bald.

    11. When random people start pinging your curls, it's a struggle to keep it together.

    "Omg your hair is so curly! Let me touch it!" Me: @mixdgrlproblems

    12. Of course, you can’t stop touching your luscious hair yourself.

    13. The whole "sweeping it to the side" thing doesn't work. Your hair does what it wants.

    14. People love telling you that you'd look great with ~longer~ hair.

    15. Or saying that you'd look better with straight hair.

    16. All you've ever wanted is a ~naturally~ big-haired idol to look up to.

    17. Sometime people ask why you don't have more afro hair or more straight hair, because everyone knows that all mixed-race people look ~exactly~ the same.

    18. Everyone seems to think "Mufasa" is an acceptable nickname to use the moment you brush out your hair.

    19. These people don't realise the traumas you've gone through to get to that point.

    20. In fact, brushing it out is such hard work that sometimes you just give up.

    In an ideal world, we'd all still have our mums doing it with a soft brush.

    21. You've tried to tie it all up but God is always working against you.

    22. And on the odd occasion when those flimsy bands do hold up, your hair gets compared to various tropical fruits.

    23. Which is partially thanks to your parents, who didn't have a clue what they were doing with your hair when you were little.

    24. These shampoo-to-conditioner ratios everyone complains about are nothing in comparison to yours.

    my conditioners be like... but my shampoos be like...

    25. You travel with a small arsenal of curl-protecting products, hydrants, and knot-detanglers.

    26. Which still doesn't mean it's OK to give us anti-frizz serums for Christmas.

    27. But despite the aggro that comes with it, whatever our mix, we've all got bloody lovely hair.