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17 Problems That Made Life Hard For Australia In 2015

But seriously can we get Dollarydoos?

1. Weak AF currency.

2. The ~joys~ of budget airline travel.

3. Clueless Americans.

4. Things getting lost in translation.

5. Desperate times calling for desperate measures.

6. Uber drivers that aren't what you expect.

7. Wildlife that is more ripped than you.

8. Days where you're just like FML.

9. Having to take public transport.

10. These blokes running the country.

11. And embarrassing even primary school kids.

12. Your childhood being ruined forever.

13. Constantly being ripped off.

14. Like, seriously ripped off.

15. To the point where you can't even go to the movies.

16. Batshit insane weather.

17. And flying dildos.

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