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    The Definitive Ranking Of Things That Will Test A Parent's Patience

    "I will turn this car around!"

    25. Getting trapped under a sleeping baby.

    24. Waiting for your kid to tie their shoes.

    23. When your kid takes forever to finish eating.

    22. Waiting for your kid to pick something.

    21. Trying to teach your kid how to blow their nose.

    20. When your kid refuses to try something new.

    19. Having to explain the same concept over and over again.

    18. The bargaining they do when it's time to stop playing.

    17. The super long showers.

    16. When your kid is slow getting ready for bed.

    15. Messy eating.

    14. When your kid acts like they don’t know you in public.

    13. Kids' music.

    12. When your kid whines about a long car ride.

    11. When your kid can't find their shoes.

    10. Having to sit through the same movie or TV show for the millionth time.

    9. When your kid forgets to say thank you.

    8. When your kid won't stop asking questions.

    7. Especially, "Why?"

    6. When your kid continues to do something you told them to stop.

    5. The battle over cleaning their room.

    4. The endless texting.

    3. All of the bellyaching about doing homework.

    2. When your kid rolls their eyes at you.

    Oh, hell no.

    1. Tantrums (especially ones thrown in public).

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