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    21 Jerk Moves Other Parents Make

    Just because they're parents doesn't mean you have to like them.

    1. Doing nothing when their kid misbehaves right in front of them.

    2. Taking their 6-year-old to see an R-rated movie.

    3. Doing their kid's science project entirely by themselves.

    4. Getting drunk at the block party.

    5. Making passive-aggressive social media updates.

    6. Getting their flirt on with your spouse.

    7. Inviting your kid to a birthday party at Disneyland but not paying for their ticket.

    8. Talking trash about you and your kid to other parents.

    9. Not listening to the rules and sending their kid to school with candy to hand out on Valentine's Day.

    10. Acting like a psychopath at their kid's sporting events.

    11. Coaching Little League and making their uncoordinated kid the shortstop and cleanup hitter.

    12. Giving unsolicited parenting advice.

    13. Spouting off about a bunch of stuff you don't agree with in front of your kid.

    14. Asking a dad who's out alone with his kids if he's "babysitting."

    15. Telling a professional woman, "It must be hard being away from the kids all day and not feeling like a real mom.”

    16. Bragging about how incredible their kids are without asking about yours.

    17. Saying stuff like, "He’s just really bored in class because he’s so gifted."

    18. Letting their kid have ice cream after all of the other parents told their kids no.

    19. Dropping their sick kid off at your house for a playdate.

    20. Continuing to text when their kid gets hurt.

    21. Talking down to you like you're one of their kids.

    Nope to all of it, parents.