23 Creative Ways To Keep Your Kid From Melting Down At A Restaurant

    Because you've had enough take-out.

    1. Play silverware and sugar packet tic-tac-toe.

    2. Keep your kids entertained the way Cracker Barrel kept you entertained.

    3. Wow your kids by turning a paper straw wrapper into a rose.

    4. If the paper rose seems too complicated, try the old "growing worm" trick.

    5. Put velcro on craft sticks so your kid can have fun making shapes and letters.

    6. DIY an I-Spy bottle.

    7. Come prepared with some conversation starters.

    8. Bring crayons in this super-portable pencil/crayon roll.

    9. An Altoids tin also makes a great, pocket-sized crayon holder.

    10. Have another Altoids tin? Use it to make this magnetized fishing set.

    11. Fill a medicine container with small toys.

    12. Challenge your kid with a game of "disappearing objects."

    13. Make a car caddy so your kids can go "vroom-vroom" at the table.

    14. Let your kids build with Lego bricks — without making a mess.

    Lego on-the-go. How cool is that? Find the DIY here.

    15. Pipe cleaners and beads are all your kids will need to get their craft on.

    16. Play a back and forth drawing game.

    17. Use a coffee cup sleeve and stirrers to make a super cool train.

    18. Let your kid use your phone — without the guilt.

    19. Give your kid a pocket Etch-A-Sketch.

    20. Going to a restaurant that doesn't have kid-friendly placemats? Bring some of your own!

    21. Another option is to bring this reusable chalkboard placemat.

    22. Fool your kids with the sugar packets and penny trick.

    23. Teach your kids to turn two straws into an adorable heart.