19 Parents Share Their Most Nightmarish Trick-Or-Treating Stories

    All trick, no treat.

    We asked followers of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the worst thing that ever happened to them while trick-or-treating:

    1. "My 4-year-old son was wearing a Buzz Lightyear costume. He saw another boy dressed as Buzz Lightyear and accused him of stealing his costume. They then had a wrestling match on the spot."

    2. RIP Squirrel.

    3. "After two houses she said..."

    4. "As the couple opened the door she screamed..."

    5. "We were almost finished trick or treating when my daughter said she had to go to the bathroom. I insisted we go to one more house. She peed on their front porch."

    6. "I'M TOO OLD FOR THIS!"

    7. SOS — send candy.

    8. Awkward.

    9. Much, much more awkward.

    10. "It was only our tenth house."

    11. Lego my costume!

    12. "By the time we got home I was exhausted."

    13. "My mom always tells me about the time my sister got so scared by one of the houses on our street that she peed on their dog. That family hasn't put up decorations since."

    14. "Other parents weren't too keen with us."

    15. "You will never make me a frog again, Mom."

    16. "To this day she refuses to go trick-or-treating."

    17. "My parents slunk away, embarrassed..."

    18. There goes that candy.

    19. "My kid wanted to be Batman. He looked in the mirror while he had his costume on and started crying because he was afraid of himself."