16 Signs Your Kid Is Going Through The "Turbo Twos"

    The "Terrible Twos" are so yesterday.

    We've all heard about the "Terrible Twos," when two-year-olds act, well, terrible.

    Make that really terrible.

    But what most people don't know is that not all kids go through the "Terrible Twos."

    Instead, many two-year-olds go through the "Turbo Twos," a phase when kids are generally pleasant but will NOT. STOP. MOVING.

    Not sure if your kid is experiencing the "Turbo Twos?" Look for the following signs:

    1. Your kid immediately takes off running the minute you put them down in public.

    2. Taking photos is almost impossible, because by the time you say "Cheese!" your kid is on the move again.

    3. You know better than to leave your kid in their crib because if you do they'll climb right out of it.

    4. Speaking of climbing, if your kid comes across anything even remotely climbable, they will try to climb it.

    5. I mean ANYTHING.

    6. Because of this, you've had to take precautions to keep your little monkey from climbing onto tables and countertops.

    7. On car trips your kid won't stop wiggling, dancing, and making noise.

    8. Your kid may not ride a skateboard, but likely has a Big Wheel or scooter that they are little terrors on.

    9. When you meet strangers they think your kid is the most lively, adorable kid they've ever seen.

    10. You've strapped your kid into their high chair so you could use the bathroom.

    11. You dread birthday parties because the last thing your kid needs is a slice of sugary cake.

    12. Despite your best efforts, your couch has become a jungle gym.

    13. You've also gotten used to watching television with a minor distraction.

    14. If your kid goes into a bounce house, there will be no getting them out.

    15. When people tell you to relax, you just laugh because they don't know what your kid is capable of.

    16. Lastly, when your kid finally gives up the ghost and falls asleep, they sleep hard.