Sandy Hook Elementary School Thanks The World At Newtown Labor Day Parade

    Students carrying a 90-foot long American flag led the 52nd annual Labor Day parade down Newtown's Main Street.

    The Newtown, Connecticut Labor Day parade has been a town institution since 1962. It's the largest parade in the state and features over two hours worth or marchers.

    When parade organizers met in February, only two months after the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school, the group decided this year's event would go off undeterred, and today, the annual celebration happened without the usual police sirens or musket fire, but with a strong showing of strength and resilience from the still recovering community.

    Here at the Labor Day Parade in #Newtown. Getting things started w/ a massive flag walking down Main Street

    Kyle Lyddy


    Here at the Labor Day Parade in #Newtown. Getting things started w/ a massive flag walking down Main Street

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    The Newtown High School band marches in the parade with green flags for Sandy Hook elementary

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