25 Things People Thought Were Cool As Teens But Not Today

    Teens take note, Reddit is here to guide you.

    Reddit user, hgdusnjjv883, asked people to share the things that they were thought were awesome as teens, but now as adults think are totally crazy.

    1. When you thought having $100 meant you were rich - zfancy5

    2. When you let the music you listened to define what you wore - uncle_monty

    3. When you let your goth side really come out in your ~experimental~ stages - jaded_anna420

    4. And when you let it take over your life, meaning heavy black clothes in the summer - jasonlotion

    5. When you thought blue eyeshadow and body glitter were the epitome of fashion - HeyMissW

    6. When you thought velcro and chain wallets were the hottest things to own - ereldar

    7. When you always tried to make sure that your clothes were branded with big names - Mojo_666

    8. When you would see who could drink the most alcohol with your friends - ivysaurarm

    9. And when you would get blackout drunk and pass out as a result - Randomswedishdude

    10. When you thought driving recklessly was a tolerable thing - linuxphoney

    11. Like when you got distracted while driving with your really loud subwoofers - thee_tickler

    12. When you listened to deafeningly loud music at home too - jliv60

    13. When you were really loud and obnoxious as a person - use_a_choosername1

    14. Or when you would destroy things just for the sake of it - tallandlanky

    15. When you acted as if only your ~enlightened~ opinion mattered and nothing else - something_sneaky

    16. When you tried to act "cool" in front of everyone - piss_artist

    17. When you thought smoking was what all the cool kids did - CaneUKRM

    18. When you thought ditching class was cool - UtMed

    19. When you would waste all your time hanging at the mall - huazzy

    20. When you made it your life goal to stand out by not being you - IxCptMorganxI

    21. Which you probably did when you spent hours editing your "about me" on social media - richj43

    22. When you would stay up as late as possible - tonithepony

    23. Which would result in sleeping all day - glendon24

    24. When you couldn't wait to grow older and stop being a "kid" - drunk-astronaut

    25. When you thought being an adult would be the greatest thing in the world - plerplerp