
Michael H.

I'm potty-mouthed and prematurely gray. I never thought I would get married or have kids or own a house. I think Mike Meyers is overrated. I almost never watch sports on TV, but I like to go to the game once in a while. I've never tasted coffee -- not even once. I enjoy Taco Bell. I'm practical and skeptical, but I think most people take life too seriously. I've never been punched in the face and doubt I ever will be. Almost all my doctors are women. Too many elevator rides give me vertigo, but I'm OK with taking the stairs. I had Lasik surgery in 1996 and still think of it as something that belongs in the distant future. (They shoot lasers into your eyes and you can see. Freaky.) I met my wife though video dating when most people didn't have email. I think smart is sexy. If I never hear another Simon and Garfunkel song in my life, that'll be fine. The most I've ever eaten in a single sitting was a two-pound t-bone steak, salad, a baked potato, shrimp cocktail, and a piece of cheesecake. I haven't checked the statistics, but it really seems to me like people are getting taller. I'm proud that I'm getting very proficient at giving people the benefit of the doubt.

Apr 2010
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