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    The 10 Weirdest "Game Of Thrones" Products On Etsy

    Have you been dreaming of dressing your baby as a Dothraki or letting your cat eat Joffrey's head? Etsy has you covered. (Warning: Spoilers ahead!)

    1. Dothraki Onesie

    2. Khal Drogo and Daenerys Targaryen Dolls

    3. Direwolf Hood

    4. Joffrey Baratheon Catnip Toy

    5. Ned's Dead T-Shirt

    6. Bran Falling at Winterfell Patch

    7. Khal Drogo & The Dothraki World Tour T-Shirt

    8. Direwolf Hand Puppet

    9. Sansa Stark is My Homegirl Tote Bag

    10. Ned Stark My Little Pony