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    The Top Chicago Startup #VirginRumors

    It's no rumor that Virgin's new hotel will be awesome, but pretty much everything else is. Most Chicago startups are pretty much dying to know how much this hotel will upscale the Ace in New York, these are the top rumors.

    We heard there will be a magic ball @virginhotels that answers the question "to pivot or not to pivot?" #VirginRumors

    We heard they ( @virginhotels ) give you a discount if you drop out of school to start a tech company. #virginrumors #entrepreneurship

    We heard the wifi @virginhotels is so fast, it'll send emails before you even write them. #VirginRumors

    Heard you can use your @VirginHotels rewards points to pay your summer #interns. #VirginRumors

    #Chicago Startups did u hear there are money trees seeding startups in the lobby of @virginhotels? #virginrumors @1871Chicago @CatapultChi

    We heard @richardbranson will personally help #slamdunk new accounts for startups staying @virginhotels #VirginRumors

    We heard @virginhotels gives you triple loyalty points for ordering The Social Network on-demand #VirginRumors

    We've heard Virgin Hotels feature complimentary jetpacks & @googlefiber for high speed entrepreneurs #VirginRumors

    We heard @virginhotels will have #startup rooms that replace patios with (investor) decks #VirginRumors

    Wow! We heard a rumor that @virginhotels will be monitoring real-time energy consumption in their rooms and common spaces #VirginRumors