Turns Out Animals Like To Self-Medicate Too!

    No no, they're not out there smoking cigs and drinking booze to deal with their day. We'll leave that to the humans.

    Chimpanzees forage for herbs to treat illnesses. But they're not the only animals finding cures to what ail them!

    Ready for this? House sparrows and finches add high-nicotine cigarette butts to their nests to reduce infestations of mites. WHAT.

    When Woolly Bear Caterpillars are attacked by parasites, they know to seek out plants that have chemicals called alkaloids. They cure the infection!

    Honeybees? They put antimicrobial resin in their nests!

    Fruit flies lay their eggs purposefully in areas with high levels of alcohol so parasitic wasps won't lay their eggs in the fly larvae.

    Ants bring antifungal chemicals back to the colony so their homes stay safe!

    Monarch butterflies lay their eggs on milkweed plants because they're toxic and keep away parasites.

    So what can people learn from all of this self-medicating? First of all, they can pay attention to the chemicals these animals are using and try to use them as well.

    Another important lesson we can learn from animals: moderation is key.