This Is What Happens When A Dog Tries To Steal A Baby Squirrel

    That dog gets a serious smack-down, squirrel style.

    First we have this dog. The dog is thinking, "Whoa, cool, a baby squirrel? I want to check this out!" Little does the dog know that the mother squirrel is all "Um, no way, bitch" up above.

    "That's my fucking baby!" the squirrel yells as it launches at the dog's throat.

    "You better back the fuck off, bitch!" the squirrel yells. "Uh, I had no idea this was your baby," the dog says. "How about you calm the fuck down?"

    "Smell ya later!" the squirrel says as it scurries up the tree with its baby in tow.

    Moral of the story: never fuck with a baby squirrel. There's a good chance the mother squirrel's perched in a tree, waiting to launch herself at your throat.