23 Annoying Things That Always Happen When Playing Board Games

    Board games are designed to destroy friendships and ruin lives. However, if done correctly, your board game night can be super fun!

    1. For starters, you never have enough players for the game you want to play.

    2. You spend about an hour explaining the rules.

    3. And it doesn't help that the rules were translated from the original German by a 3rd grader.

    4. Oh wait! You have to explain it again for the person who came late!

    Via NBC / youtube.com

    5. Setting up the game takes forever.

    6. And keeping everyone's attention between turns is the hardest thing ever.

    Via Walt Disney Pixar / gifs-for-the-masses.tumblr.com

    7. Everyone's first turn takes about an hour.

    Via DIsney / giphy.com

    8. And you have to take another break to explain the rules to people who weren't paying attention the first time.

    Via NBC / giphy.com

    9. So someone takes control of the game, finally.

    10. But this new "Rules Lawyer" drags all the fun into a spiraling abyss.

    11. Someone will get ganged up on early in the game

    12. Which will cause them to pout.

    Via giphy.com

    13. Or take stronger measures

    14. Hour four, and you're only on turn number three.

    Via giphy.com

    15. People start to get even more bored.

    Via Sony Pictures Classics / giphy.com

    16. Or drunk.

    17. And someone will inevitably say "Why don't we stop here?"

    Via ABC Family / giphy.com

    18. So the game ends with just you and one other person playing, while everyone else looks on with murderous glares.

    19. And you will either triumph over the slogging misery that has been the last four hours...

    20. ...Or you'll lose and question everything you've been doing with your life.

    21. Then someone will probably suggest another game night, as if they forgot about the last six hours of torture.

    22. And you'll agree, like the idiot you are.

    Via giphy.com

    23. Because, after all, you sort of enjoyed every minute of it.

    Via OLM, Inc. / giphy.com