This Baseball Mascot Made A Deaf Child’s Day By Using Sign Language To Communicate With Him

    Whoever said mascots can't talk doesn't speak sign language.

    The Dayton Dragons are seven-year-old Hunter's favorite baseball team. So when he saw the team's mascot Heater before a recent home game, he ran up to say hi. But no one was expecting what happened next...

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    After approaching Heater, Hunter's mom told him to say "It's nice to meet you." Hunter obliged, and unexpectedly, one of the Dragon's "Green Team" members began signing back to him, so dad decided to start recording.

    Then suddenly, Heater jumped into the conversation, using sign language to communicate with Hunter too! "You can see on the video, his smile is like, he gets me, he speaks my language, he understands me," Hunter's mom Cheri told WRGT.

    A great surprise for a young fan who really deserves it. Thanks for being awesome, Heater!