An Atlanta Children's Hospital Surprised Kids With A Holiday Miracle They'll Never Forget

    Since these kids couldn't go to the snow this holiday season, this Atlanta hospital decided to bring the snow to them.

    It was 57 degrees outside, but that didn't stop the snow *or* the smiles.

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    It's hard for kids to get to experience the magic and wonder of the holiday season when they're cooped up in a hospital.

    So the people at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta decided the best way to turn their patients back into regular kids for the day was to give them a winter surprise many had never seen before...


    The hospital made sure the sudden change in weather was a surprise to everyone, even the doctors and nurses.

    And once the kids saw the snow outside their hospital windows, no amount of IVs or tubes could keep them from going outside to experience the magic.

    They made snow angels...

    And even had snowball fights, even though the snow got a little soapy.

    For a few hours, they got to just be regular kids playing in the snow.