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    24 People Who Really Regret Being Heavy Sleepers

    Once the snoring begins, you suddenly become everyone's plaything.

    1. When you turn your sleepy friend into a carnival game.

    2. "I was about to make a casserole, then I saw an opportunity I couldn't resist."

    3. He'll wake up to realize that his foot-long Subway dream has finally come true.

    4. "All packed for the camping trip, Dad?"

    5. Apparently, this happens so much that one of her friends created a well-deserved collage in her honor.

    6. A well-deserved nap is exploited by a boyfriend's need to entertain himself.

    He stands back and wonders whether he should seriously consider dialing 911.

    Then he starts to push the limit...

    7. Lucky Charms: A part of this balanced breakfast.

    8. A great way for Dad to develop that chiseled jawline.

    9. Well, he did say he was so good with the guitar that he could play with his eyes closed.

    10. I call this sculpture, "Pappy's Nappy."

    11. His grandson had to be resourceful when he couldn't find a blanket for his grandpa.

    12. The very definition of "You Snooze, You Lose."

    Carls a heavy sleeper. @CarlyBool @livvwellz00 @SydSniff @kennakliment

    13. Student by day, clubber by night, balancing act by nap time.

    Think you are a heavy sleeper? I'd like to introduce you to my roommate, Tanner.

    14. Magic Markers: Defacing drowsy friends since 1953.

    15. Whoever erected this monumental tower will be a successful architect someday.

    16. Behold! The Leaning Tower of Lisa!

    17. And he wonders why he's always doing yard work in his dreams...

    18. That skeleton hand is getting way too intimate right now.

    19. Even she's surprised her claws haven't woken him up yet.

    20. So much for leaving a good first impression on the first day of school.

    21. Can't bring yourself to the party? Don't worry, the party will bring itself to you!

    22. A passive aggressive way to remind him to pack his lunch in the morning.

    23. The award for heaviest objects placed on someone while they lay motionless goes to this guy.

    24. Proof that violence is never the answer to waking up a heavy sleeper.