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    19 Thoughts People Have When They're Excluded From The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

    The real challenge is social exclusion.

    1. I tell people I'm glad I haven't been tagged, even though I secretly want to be

    2. Maybe I should record a video of me completing the challenge in the event that I get tagged?

    3. Nobody cares enough about me to socially pressure me to dump ice over my head

    4. This is just like high school all over again

    5. I'm going to create my own challenge.

    6. What? My mom was nominated before me?!

    7. Everyone's doing it wrong!

    8. All of my friends have been tagged. This is my time.

    9. It's getting colder outside, where's my nomination already?

    10. If nobody nominates me, does that mean I'm "ice-bucket challenged"?

    11. Should I create a fake Facebook account just to nominate myself?

    12. I have a really creative idea and I really don't want to see it go to waste

    13. My friends are so cold for not tagging me!

    14. I guess we've established that I'm the loser of my friend group

    15. If I donate first, then can someone please just tag me?

    16. Maybe I should be upfront and demand to be tagged

    17. Would anyone notice if I just made a video without being tagged?

    18. I've never felt so rejected in my life…

    19. Screw it, I'm going to do it anyway!