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A Star Trek Fan Spent $30,000 Turning Her Basement Into The Starship Enterprise

Who lives in a house like this?

Canadian Star Trek fan Line Rainville has gone boldly where no Trekkie has gone before - join us on a tour of her converted basement, aka the Starship Enterprise.

So this is the original Star Trek bridge.

And this is Line's living room, complete with a Captain Kirk TV channel.

We think they're both capable of space travel.

I was nine when I first watched Star Trek in French with my father - I became addicted to the show.

We love the retro control panel, but something's missing...

That's better!

Wait up, what's this?

A Tribble!

Captain Kirk's favourite critter.

I was fond of Kirk and almost jealous of Spock because he was always around the captain; a place I wanted to claim.

Red alert in the bathroom!

Jazzy mirror above the sink.

Let's see what's in the Star Trek toilet.

Starfleet mosaic tiling, inspired!

The hallway is a Transporter Room, where Spock beams in.

I plan to buy a Captain Kirk cardboard, I have always loved his character.

A perfect place to watch a classic Star Trek film.

Can you see the iconic Star Trek multi-level chess board?

There it is. Anyone know the rules?

Mr Spock's quarters.

Looks pretty close to the real thing!

Just a red door... but what's that on the right?

A food replicator and intercom, obvs.

I am grateful to the people who helped me. Some of them were uncertain; others were astounded or fascinated but each of them went along with my dream.

Overall: a Star Trek triumph!

Well done Line! Invite Captain Kirk over for tea - he'd be this excited: