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    (Updated!) 12 Reasons Virginia Libertarians Should Support Ken Cuccinelli

    Are you a Small-L "libertarian" in Virginia? Here are 12 reasons why you should vote FOR Republican candidate Ken Cuccinelli for Governor on Tuesday, November 5.

    1. NEW! Ron Paul endorsed Ken.

    2. Rand Paul endorsed Ken.

    3. Ken believes strongly in federalism and opposes federal government overreach.

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    As Virginia’s Attorney General, Ken Cuccinelli has pushed back against the federal government when their policies overstep their Constitutional limitations. He was the first AG to sue over ObamaCare; he has fought back against the Environmental Protection Agency -- and won; and he’s been a strong voice for the 10th Amendment.

    4. Ken opposes eminent domain and strongly supports property rights.

    5. “Personnel is policy.”

    6. Ken has made expansion of school choice a top priority on his campaign.

    7. Ken’s tax plan closes loopholes and lowers rates for families and businesses.

    8. Unlike many Republicans, Ken opposes cronyism and won’t use the Governor’s Mansion to dole out political favors to Big Business.

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    Ken has never used his political influence to benefit Big Business and won't sell access to the Governor's Mansion. That's a stark contrast between Ken and his Democrat opponent.

    9. Ken believes states, not Washington, should decide whether or not to legalize marijuana.

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    (...his response regarding gay marriage in this video might surprise you, too!)

    10. As Attorney General, Ken used the power of the state to pursue justice rather than convictions.

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    As Attorney General, Ken went to court to argue a case involving Thomas Haynesworth, a man that was wrongfully convicted and imprisoned for 27 years. Cuccinelli personally argued this case in court.

    The difficult part was that there was no hard scientific evidence exonerating Haynesworth. It was only a couple years prior to this court battle that Ken was battling on the floor of the Senate to pass a bill that would even allow this sort of exoneration without scientific evidence to be possible. When was the last time you saw a Republican AG use his time, effort, and political capital to fight for the wrongfully-accused, rather than blindly trust the system?

    Ken also joined Governor McDonnell in supporting the restoration of rights for most non-violent felons.

    11. Like us, Ken can sometimes be an awkwardtarian.

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    Watch this video of Ken introducing voters to his sweet RV, where he awkwardly describes the accommodations of his “rolling office.” Describing the inside, Ken says he “can bump around and sleep in back” and “cook if we’re aggressive enough.” He also claims to be a “big fan” of the refrigerator. When talking about hitting the campaign trail, Ken says, “We’ll be coming to a community near you. We may be cooking on the way...when we come.” It’s awkward, funny, and endearing.

    12. Ken's non-interventionist position on Syria.

    The author of this post was a Ron Paul-supporting, Mitt Romney-bound at-large delegate from Virginia to the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa. He believes the leaders of the Republican Party of Virginia are welcoming libertarians into their ranks and adopting many of the policies libertarians support. Follow him on Twitter: @matthewhurtt