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The Naked Rowers Are Back With Their 2016 Calendar

Homophobia doesn't stand a chance against these naked men.

In case you've missed the wondrous glory that is the Warwick Rowers, this is them:

They're a group of (hot) British rowers from the University of Warwick who began making 🚨nude calendars🚨 in 2009. The calendars raise money to fight against homophobia in sports via Sport Allies and to fund their rowing club.

Though the calendar is already popular among straight women and gay men, this year the rowers are saying that the calendar is for everyone.

As the calendar touches on not just sexuality, but male intimacy in multiple forms.

To date, the calendar has raised over £300,000 (more than $458,659 USD), of which nearly £50,000 went to Sport Allies.

Sports Allies receives 10 percent of all profit from Warwick Rowers products.


*breaks out inhaler*

*reclines on top of all of them*

This is for CHARITY, people.

These British buns are working hard for a good cause.


*prays to be reincarnated as a puppy*

They're also quite ~active~ on Twitter and Instagram.

@luucas_etienne, @tristan_wr and @willj_wr are having a great time promoting the 2016 calendar in New York this week

These dirty men need a shower. (And perhaps a volunteer cleaner.)

Lord, have mercy.

Here's their promotional video for the calendar. But you may want to grab some water first, because it is guaranteed to leave you thirsty.


The rowers also have a Crowdfunder campaign to fund the calendars, including packages that offer bonus images that were too risqué for the calendar, a coffee table book, and more.

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Correction: The exchange rate from GBP to USD in this article has been updated for accuracy. A previous version used the term "euro."