In Appreciation Of Henry Cavill's Beautiful Eyebrows

    Yo, Superman is actually pretty sexy from the neck up.

    In case you forgot because you were sent into a sexiness-induced coma, this is Henry Cavill.

    And on the off chance you haven't noticed...

    He's the owner of a fine pair of manbrows.

    They are rugged and robust, befitting a man of steel.

    They are capable of superhero-like feats of manliness.

    And they're bushy and brawny and they could probably keep you warm at night.

    They dance across his face like fire.

    Like sexy caterpillars squirming sensually across his stern, rock-like brow.

    Rising and falling with the passions of his beautifully-carved face.

    Writhing with such spirit, such vigor.

    They're probably the most underrated superpower of any superhero ever.

    They're beautiful and fuzzy and luxuriant.

    And basically they belong in a museum with the rest of Henry Cavill.

    That is all.

    (Inspired by this beautiful GIF set by Tumblr user pamivy.)