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Did Anyone Else Notice Visible Penis In "The Martian"?

If you saw The Martian this weekend, then you also saw Matt Damon's penis. Or wait, was it his penis?

So The Martian absolutely dominated the box office this weekend.

In case you've been living under a rock, it's a movie about a dude (played by Matt Damon) who gets abandoned on Mars.

People really seemed to love it.

Saw 'The Martian' opening night. I loved it. It's a thrilling, well made movie.

And Matt.

Matt Damon is so bae he could be Marvin the Martian and I would still see it.

But there's one thing I ~couldn't~ help but notice.

The momentary flash of visible penis.

It happens mid-way through the movie, when Matt's character is seen walking around in the nude.

For those of you who haven't yet seen the film, it looked something like this...

Despite the movie's PG-13 rating, you totally see penis on screen.

Just saw Martian. First of all, why didn't anyone tell me Donald Glover was in that. Second, I didn't want to see Matt Damon's dick.

It was pretty much IMPOSSIBLE not to notice.

Now, although I support seeing peen on the big screen, I couldn't help but feel disappointed.

It definitely looked like either a body double or a prop.

A friend of mine who wishes to remain anonymous and I are having a disagreement-was Matt Damon's penis in The Martian or not?

And didn't hold a candle to his buddy Ben Affleck's EPIC shower scene in Gone Girl.

So to everyone who saw The Martian this weekend – or to any opinionated penis lovers out there – I ask you this:

BuzzFeed has reached out to 20th Century Fox for a comment.