17 Garbagemen Who Prove Taking Out The Trash Is Hot AF

    Waste management at its hottest!

    1. You probably didn't realize...

    2. ...until just now...

    3. ...that picking up trash could look this good.

    4. I mean... 💪

    5. Orange is the color of fire.

    6. No shirt? No problem.

    7. Garbagemen rock man buns.

    8. And neon colors.

    9. They know that vests are always in fashion.

    10. Thumbs way up. 👍

    11. Look at these skills!

    12. Garbagemen are driven.

    13. They're focused.

    14. And they have arms that just don't fucking quit.

    15. So today is the day.

    16. The day that you were properly informed...

    17. Picking up trash is sexy AF. 🔥

    BONUS: Even Legos look good collecting garbage!

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