17 Struggles Every Morning Person Can Relate To

    It's not always (literal) sunshine and rainbows.

    1. Being physically unable to sleep late.

    Morning person problems .... Even though we didn't get home until 2am and in bed until 3am, I'm still awake at 6am.

    2. Stubbing your foot hella hard on a dresser or wall because you have to get dressed in the dark every morning to avoid waking up your significant other.

    3. Rarely being able to cuddle with said significant other at night (or in the mornings) because you’re always asleep when they come to bed and up and at 'em by the time they wake up.

    4. Feeling super guilty when you accidentally sleep in because it seems like you’ve wasted the whole day.

    5. Feeling crazy after you desperately rushed to the gym in an effort to avoid the crowds, only to find out that practically no one else is working out yet.

    Thought I was gonna be late but... AINT NOBODY HERE. Lol. #morningpersonproblems

    6. Watching infomercials at the gym because it’s too early for anything decent to be on the preset channels.

    7. Waiting outside of a store that doesn't open until 10 a.m. because you made the long haul to get there without realizing they had a weekend schedule.

    8. Getting serious sass from friends for being so on fleek in the early morning.

    9. When even the Harvard Business Review throws shade our way.

    At first headlines like the above make us a bit defensive... But then after thinking about it, what morning person wouldn't lie or cheat to get to bed at a reasonable hour?

    10. Feeling like a cranky hot mess after the sun goes down.

    I get cranky past 7 pm lol. #morningpersonproblems

    11. Or feeling like a fucking vampire because it’s dark out for the first few hours of your day.

    12. Never knowing the results of national elections until the following day.

    13. Being utterly famished and desperate for lunch at 11 a.m. because it’s already been five hours since you had breakfast.

    14. Missing out on social lunches with friends and coworkers because they don’t eat until 1 p.m. or later, and by then you’re already thinking about dinner.

    15. Not being able to stay out late at a bar or club because your internal clock can’t be stopped.

    16. Accidentally falling asleep at your desk, or on the bus ride home because by 6 p.m. you’re almost ready for bed.

    17. That awkward moment when dinner party guests are lingering, but it’s now about an hour past your bed time and you can’t find a polite way to tell them to GO FUCKING HOME ALREADY!