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21 Struggles Of Having A Significant Other Who’s A Picky Eater

"Is there coconut in this?"

1. At first you thought it was adorable when they were finicky about food.

2. But as time went on, it became the bane of your existence.

My face when we're trying to find somewhere to eat and one of the people is a picky eater #itsjustfood

3. You’re constantly surprised by the foods they're currently taking issue with.

4. You've gotten into full on arguments over the most ridiculous things. Like the proper way to slice a muffin.

Should muffins be sliced horizontally or halved by hand vertically? Feuding couple calls in: http://t.co/dLqJ2FMZPM

5. You’ve learned not to argue with them about food.

6. Sometimes it's just easier ordering separate pizzas.

7. Although they're picky AF, your partner always wants you to pick a place for dinner.

8. So you've learned to ALWAYS check the menu online before going anywhere.

9. You order from the kid’s menu so often that people probably think you have a young child at home.

Dear future husband. Please download this app. Because I'm a hella picky eater. Thanks.

10. It may have taken a few tries, but you've become pretty familiar with their excessive list of likes and dislikes.

11. And when it comes to likes, you know that when they're into something...they're ALL FUCKING IN.

Valerie is a picky eater. She doesn't like a lot of food. BUT when she does, the whole world knows it.

12. As in they eat the exact same breakfast or lunch. Every single day.

13. You try to watch your favorite cooking competitions when they're not around.

14. And prefer to go grocery shopping without them.

That way they can't see what items make it into your cart.

15. You’re always telling them to get out of the kitchen so they can’t see what ingredients you’re using.

16. But no matter how well you think you've hidden said ingredient, inevitably this face happens.

17. Or this question:

18. You worry that they might pass their picky eating habits on to your kids.

19. Every now and then – despite fierce opposition – you're able to get them to try something new.

20. And get HELLA excited when you discover something new that they like.

21. But are thrown through another loop when you go out, and they won't order that dish that YOU SAW them eat just a few days ago.