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    Jesus Christ Suffered for Us

    Jesus Christ Suffered for Us Without the grace and mercy made possible by His Atonement, we could not be saved from sin. Even before God created the world, He prepared a plan that allows us to learn and grow during this life. Jesus Christ is the center of this plan. Christ’s mission was not only to teach us about God the Father and how we should live, but also to make a way for us to be forgiven after we sin. Sin is more than just making a mistake. When we sin we disobey God’s commandments or fail to act correctly despite our knowledge of the truth (James 4:17). Before He was crucified, Jesus prayed to God in the Garden of Gethsemane on our behalf. Christ’s suffering for our sins in Gethsemane and on the cross at Calvary is called the Atonement. He suffered for us so that we can be made clean and return to live with our Heavenly Father. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the “good news” of Christ’s sacrifice for us, giving us a path back to the Father. “Wherefore, how great the importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth, that they may know that there is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah”