This Guy Cannot Even Deal With His Cartoonist Father's Anti-Vaxxer Drawings


    One of Australia's most popular cartoonist's has sparked more controversy after his latest newspaper piece linked a state vaccination program to fascism.

    Michael Leunig, whose beloved drawings make excellent calendars and gifts, was taking a forceful jab at the Victorian government's proposals to mandate vaccination for children before entering primary school.

    His cartoon drew immediate condemnation for encouraging parents not to vaccinate their children, with people pointing out that state programs have eradicated diseases.

    This is what vaccine preventable disease looks like. Cartoon this Leunig.

    So wait, Fairfax starts a new Science is Golden podcast & then publishes this Leunig anti-vac cartoon? I see. #stopAVN

    Michael Leunig - another rich old white male monetizing his outrage that the world he's comfortable in no longer exists.

    Even one of his cartoonist colleagues had a dig at his expense.

    Leunig in the pocket of Big Polio.

    Of course it's not the first time Leunig has courted backlash for an anti-vaccination cartoon. Back in April he published a variation on the theme in The Age.

    "Michael feels the punitive approach by the government to people of conscientious belief regarding this matter is coercive and unjust, and sets an appalling example to society about how those opposed might be universally regarded and treated," read a statement.

    Then Leunig's son, Sunny, contacted BuzzFeed News on Twitter.

    @MarkDiStef Whenever my father does a vaccination cartoon I let off a sigh and run for the hills.

    Sunny, who is a performer, said "having a father in public life was much easier when pathos, teapots and ducks were the subject matter."

    "I'm not antivax," he said.

    "My tweet (to you) was a personal observation about what happens when the twitterverse #hates, #despises your father. You feel like letting off a sigh and heading for the hills. It can be disappointing."

    "Teapots and ducks are never going to trend very well."

    Leunig certainly knows how to restart the hot vaccination debate in Australia. One of his opponent's suggested a poignant alternative next time.

    The Leunig cartoon that @theage should have published. It's called 'Australians currently suffering from polio'.