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    Taking Shortcuts Is Never Worth It

    Working late is also not recommended

    Who needs cheered up today? Let me tell you a thing…

    Back in 2009 when I still lived in Belfast I worked in a lovely office in a hospital and enjoyed daily entertainment from my colleagues. One day something happened to me that entertained everyone else for quite a while.

    After a long day in the office I left at 5:30 and decided to walk through the college grounds next door to take a short cut. The gate was still open so I took that as I sign...bad move! I was walking past the school and this guy walked past me towards the hospital exit. When I got to the other was CLOSED! Locked!! I turned around and started back towards the exit I came in. That's when I noticed the place was EMPTY! Like, not a sinner to be seen, empty car park, no students. So I hurried round to the exit and to my horror found it was also locked....I found myself trapped! In the space of 5 minutes! What was I gonna do? Call someone? That is exactly what I thought. Now is the time in the story that I tell you my phone has died. Hence the drama!

    I walked to the admin building and rang the bell for what seemed like a lifetime. There was no response. Not good! So I walked around the grounds past the security cameras, but there was NO caretaker! Ridiculous! I was imagining all sorts! Sleeping at the door/in a field! I started to obviously get quite upset....then I realised...

    The gate I intended to leave by didn't have barb wire on top of it!! So I did what any girl would do when she's not in a skirt...I climbed the gate, momentarily getting stuck at the top having visions of me crashing to the ground! But I made it! Huzzah!

    Then I realised that wasn't the main road exit What sort of place has two gates?! That was still a 2 minute (sheesh all this exercise was really taking it out of a girl) walk away. It, of course was locked too.

    Are you surprised at this back luck? This is me we're talking about here, you will get to know me very soon. These events are common in my life.

    Anyway, back to my sticky situation. I had noticed some fellas in the playing fields and as I watched some rather unimpressive ball skills I noticed a hole in the fence separating us, I had an escape! So out I climbed and walked past the fellas like I did it every day!!


    The moral of this story is never trust shortcuts, or work late for that matter. I had the blood blisters to prove it!