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    10 Soviet-Era Gay Cruising Sites In Moscow You Should See On Your Way To The Sochi Olympics

    Russia's repressed gay history is making it more difficult for Russian gays to fight homophobia legally and culturally. In his new book, Moscow, artist Yevgeniy Fiks reveals Soviet-era cruising sites of the bygone queer underground. So, if you find yourself in Moscow on a layover to Sochi, check out these famous public sites and think about their alternative (and subversive) queer history.

    1. Aleksandrovskiy Gardens: active cruising grounds between 1950s and 1980s

    2. Garden in front of the Bolshoi Theater: active cruising grounds between 1940s and 1980s

    3. Okhotniy Ryad Metro Station: active cruising grounds during the late 1980s

    4. Public Toilets at the Lenin Museum: active cruising site between 1950s and 1980s

    5. Public toilets in the Aleksandrovskiy Gardens: active cruising site between 1950s and 1980s

    6. Sapunov Lane: active cruising site between 1970s and 1980s

    7. Sokol'niki-Park: active cruising grounds in the 1950s

    8. Sretenskiy Boulevard: active cruising grounds in the 1930s

    9. Sverdlov Square: active cruising grounds in the mid-1930s to 1980s

    10. Yuriy Dolgorukiy Monument: active cruising grounds in the 1980s