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The Transformation: If Terrence Malick Made a Transformers Sequel

The other day I was wondering what would happen if Terrence Malick made a Transformers movie. I figured that: 1. It would take years to shoot. 2. Half of Hollywood’s biggest stars would be in it and then Malick would edit them out completely. 3. He’d also edit out the robots. 4. And turn it into a cosmic love story about a young man choosing his path in life. 5. And then I’d make a trailer for it, using a mixture of Soviet Montage and Party & Bullshit. [via]

mamapop 13 years ago

Mad Men for Kids

Mad Men is a long way from being G-rated, but a new "book" edges it just a tiny bit closer (not really).

mamapop 13 years ago

Gordon Pincent Reads Justin Bieber's Memoir

Hilarious. Gordon Pincent, one of the stars of This Hour Has 22 Minutes, a Canadian sketch comedy show, has become an overnight internet superstar, thanks to The Bieb. Pincent sat down to perform a series of readings from Justin’s biography (*cough*), First Step 2 Forever, and to confess his admiration for the young, fellow Canadian.

mamapop 13 years ago

Top 5 Movie Villains You Secretly Want To Win

Some villains are just too cool for the terrible ends they meet. Why should the hero get the glory and the girl/guy? Let's look at five movie nasties who deserved better than what they got.

mamapop 13 years ago

Tony Horton And His P90X Want Me Dead

Look at the smugness oozing from that damned demon cyborg. I say demon cyborg because I am convinced, without a doubt, that Tony Horton is not a human. No, no. There's no way possible that a real human being could even come up with something like P90X.

mamapop 13 years ago

Top Ten Movie (and TV) Badasses You Want With You When the Zombies Attack

Whether they’re fast or slow, moaning or shrieking, chewing on their own guts for fun or just shambling after you, zombies work best in huge, overwhelming numbers. One zombie is easy pickings. Three or four present a small challenge. Fifty plus undead clawing at your stomach? GAME OVER, MAN. ARRIVEDERCI. That’s why you need help from a certified badass.

schmutzie 13 years ago

Jesse James Cheats On Sandra Bullock: She's Out Of There

Just 8 days after bringing home the Oscar for best actress, Bullock has moved out of her home, becoming one of the latest victims of the "Oscar Curse."

mamapop 14 years ago

LOMGST! Lost Recap - Recon

MamaPop's resident LOST recapper breaks the latest episode down for you in the most amusing and least head-trauma-inducing way possible.

mamapop 14 years ago

Heidi Montag Lands Role In New Sandler Comedy

“I was just cast in my first feature film comedy! I start filming monday!!!!!” Heidi Montag would tweet yesterday afternoon before adding, “this is one of the best days of my life!!! getting ice cream to celebrate.” My guess is it's doctor's orders to keep her skin cool so all the plastic surgery won't melt away.

mamapop 14 years ago