27 Pictures That Perfectly Sum Up Being The Eldest Sibling

    "My room is off limits."

    1. This represents your relationship with your younger sibling.

    2. All older siblings deserve this T-shirt.

    3. This is the worst thing about being the oldest – everyone helps themselves to your stuff.

    4. So you have to leave notes like this everywhere.

    5. And make sure the rest of your family are on your side.

    6. All older siblings go through this shocking revelation: Your little brother/sister isn't so "little" any more.

    7. They're even achieving big milestones before you.

    8. AND they're taller.

    9. Sometimes there is genuine love between you guys. You have perfected the art of the sibling selfie.

    10. And this is you binge-watching your favourite TV shows together.

    11. But expressing your sibling bond is difficult, and it's not always reciprocated.

    thank god everyday for a loving older sister. so blessed.♥️

    12. Younger siblings absolutely hate mushy text messages.

    13. They're pretty much only nice to you when you have food.

    14. On the plus side, as an older sibling you can trick your minions into doing anything.

    15. You can dress them up or cover their silly faces in stickers.

    16. Disturbing their peace is your duty.

    17. It's also your responsibility to destroy their poser selfies.

    18. Although when they do it to you and your friends, it's very annoying.

    19. The lack of privacy that comes with being the eldest sibling isn't great.

    that awkward moment when your sibling walks in while taking naughty selfies

    20. Sneak attacks happen far too often.

    21. The pranks are endless.

    22. Seriously...

    23. COME ON.

    24. This game has been an ongoing battle since you were kids.

    25. Whenever the two of you are busted, this is how you deal with it: Blame the younger one.

    26. You administer punishment through the medium of fart.

    27. And lastly, this is you, hanging out with your younger siblings, reminding them of their inevitable mortality while they pose in their childish costumes.

    Shoutout to this awkward awkward bunch for national sibling day! #lovemyfamily