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    52 Thoughts I Had During The First House Of Cards Episode

    If you didn't start binge watching at 3 in the morning, I'm going to have to call you a fake fan.

    1. Is Frank on a motorcycle?!?!

    2. Ah, no he isn't.

    3. Clearly. What was I thinking; this is Francis Underwood.

    4. YAAAAS Stamper is dead!

    5. Still rooting for Rachel and her lesbian love.

    6. Wait no... It's Frank's dad, are we sad about this?

    7. Frank breaking the fourth wall needs to come back this season. His monologues are the best part of the show hands down.

    8. "You have to be a little bit human when you're the president." Is Frank actually emotionless?

    9. Pretty sure he is. So Frank doesn't like his dad either? His hate list is a long one.

    10. Why is he unzipping his pants?

    11. OH MY GOD HE'S PEEING ON THE HEADSTONE! I'm so confused about this. WHY though?

    12. What happened to the hot communications director?

    13. The new guy creeps me out.

    14. Why does Frank get rid of all the attractive people on this show.

    15. I still can't get over the peeing thing.

    16. Where's Claire?

    17. You do not want to take a picture of that sir. (Frank's penis)

    18. There's Claire!

    19. Why is it that Claire always has an agenda when she goes to the Hospital?

    20. Please don't give Stamper a handjob.

    21. Who the hell just randomly stumbled upon Stamper in the middle of nowhere.

    22. Episodes in season 3 that Stamper will be sober for: zero

    23. Does anyone else feel like Frank and Stamper are going to have a sexual encounter this season?

    24. Am-works is a horrible name. Standing with Colbert on this one.

    25. The hacker guy is back! But where's Cashew?

    26. CASHEW for president 2k16

    27. How is Frank considered a democrat though? Like his policy ideas seem like they would never get passed.

    28. DO NOT question Frank Underwood. Your job is not to mess with his job. Get it straight.

    29. Pro tip: don't go to the hospital when break your arm, just duct tape a spoon to it. Basically the same. Ta dah!

    30. Did Frank just compare Stamper to his dad? The man he peed on earlier in this episode. Not looking good for you Doug.

    32. Claire will slay as ambassador. Don't question Claire Underwood. Your job is not to mess with her job.

    33. Claire is totally going to take down Frank, and rule the world.

    34. How are her shirt collars so freaking crisp? Style on point always. She looks like a Brooks Brothers model.

    35. The Underwoods seem distant. Where's Meechum when you need him?

    36. Claire and Frank are sleeping in separate rooms... their relationship is purely business now.

    37. Even Claire's pajamas are perfect and white.

    38. She's almost 50 and looks better than I ever will. Slay.

    39. Frank clearly cares about his power more than Calire.

    40. Samper has already reverted to alcohol and hookers... like #22 could not have been more on point.

    41. Why is he putting the Bourbon in the syringe? Totally thought he was going to take this prostitute hostage too.

    42. She looks a lot like Rachel.

    43. Stamper is scary as fuck.

    44. OMG he's proceeding with the bombing of innocent children!?! Why am I surprised though.

    45. Obviously Claire is still in. Was that even a question?

    46. The dress is blue and black and if you think otherwise, you're crazy.

    47. I respect that Claire wants actually influence, and actual work to do outside of being just the wife or whatever.

    48. This is what I imagine Bill and Hillary's marriage was like besides the murdering, deviance, etc.

    49. Frank you've got some whipping to do.

    50. I am going to finish this season within 24 hours. I feel like this should make me shameful but it doesn't. Not even a little.

    51.Okay, so House of Cards seasons have 13 episodes. If there are 4 seasons there will also be 52 episodes, which is also the number of cards in a deck. In the 52nd episode everything's going to fall down like a house of cards no?

    52. Power ain't the "old stone building" you think it is Frank.
