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    17 GIFs That Prove Abby Lee Miller Is The Queen Of Sass

    Because second is the first to lose!

    1. She will NOT solve your problems. Instead she responds with this:

    2. She rolls her eyes at all those basic dance moms. They're just not as fabulous as she is.

    3. She doesn't care about what anyone thinks, she's Abby Lee.

    4. She's not afraid to call you out.

    5. She proves that she's still got the moves.

    6. Her dance moves say: get back, I'm the queen here.

    7. Her confidence puts us all to shame.

    8. You WILL have fun when you're around her.

    9. She's perfected non-verbal sass.

    10. She knows that sometimes, the best comeback is a sassy smile.

    11. She balances her death stare with her majestic hair flip.

    12. She lets everyone know that she sees everything (her hair is full of your secrets).

    13. She get what she wants.

    14. She has standards. That means you follow them.

    15. She has ~ magical powers ~

    16. She's not the friend who tells you that you look great in that dress you tried on.

    17. She stands by her words.

    You go Abby, keep the sass going.