24 Things People In NYC Love To Talk About

    Between coffees, obviously.

    1. Brunch.

    2. The subway.

    3. Their neighbors.

    4. How long you have to live in New York City to count as a New Yorker.

    5. Tourists.

    6. How much the city sucks in the winter.

    7. How much the city sucks in the Summer.

    8. How much the city sucks when it rains.

    9. How much their rent is.

    10. Brooklyn.

    11. Where to get cheap beer.

    12. Time Warner.

    mark this as my weekly "time warner cable sucks" tweet

    13. Apartment hunting.

    14. How horrible dating is.

    15. How much they want to get a dog.

    16. How they never want to move to the suburbs...

    17. ...Alternatively how soon they want to move to the suburbs.

    18. Seeing celebrities but not making a big deal about it.

    19. Work.

    20. The gym.

    To get a membership or not, that is the question.

    21. Bagels.

    22. Expensive salads.

    23. Wanting to move out of New York.

    24. But then remembering how much better New York is than every other city.

    New York Forever.