21 Problems Only ~Cool~ People Have


    1. It's hard not to look effortless 24/7.

    2. People are always trying to copy you.

    3. You honestly don't know what to say when people ask how to be you.

    4. People always label you as their ~cool~ friend.

    5. People ask for your advice, like, CONSTANTLY.

    6. You have waaay too many friends...

    7. ...and waaay too many plans...

    8. ...which means you're always physically exhausted from your social life.

    9. Sometimes you miss a ~cool~ thing 'cause you're busy doing a different ~cool~ thing.

    10. Your nbd attitude makes you difficult to read.

    11. You get so many ~likes~ and ~faves~ that it’s difficult to use your phone for normal things.

    12. You don’t understand why everyone can’t be ~chill~ like you all the time.

    13. It's very difficult to find someone with the same obscure interests.

    14. You are endlessly interesting to the point where people actually start to resent you.

    15. Dating is hard because nobody is really as ~cool~ as you.

    16. People don't know how hard it is to literally not care about anything.

    17. You wear your leather jacket so much that people don't recognize you without it.

    18. You get tired of people assuming you have a motorcycle or smoke cigarettes.

    19. Your eyes are so sensitive from wearing ~cool shades~ all the time that it hurts to take them off.

    20. Sometimes you worry about losing your ~cool~...

    21. ...and sometimes people dislike you out of envy...

    ...but, you really don't mind because you're too ~cool~ for the haters.