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    You Know You Went To Alfred University If...

    We've graduated and moved on from our little home away from home in Alfred, and ever since people seem to be bewildered by what you mean when you say, "'s kind of like Narnia." Here is a list of things that only you will understand my fellow Saxons.

    1. This view ignites your bones

    2. Nana's

    3. Wegman's aka Heaven

    4. Snow days DO NOT exist

    5. The response, "Your school was HOW small?"

    6. Why it was necessary for the school to buy this...

    7. You probably took an astronomy class "just for credits"

    8. Explaining to people from other schools that we were the Saxons...

    9. Knowing that The Brick is most DEFINITELY haunted

    10. You have an insane amount of respect for artists

    11. You remember being hungover as all hell and seeing this...

    12. 50 degrees out? Meet me on the lawn, it's summer!

    13. Pollywog Holler is a real place and it's incredible

    14. AU Football

    15. The beautiful and diverse student body

    16. Foster Lake on a gorgeous fall or spring day

    17. The tree houses in the woods

    18. Having so much pride it's ridiculous


    20. And finally, because you know the friends you made are for a lifetime