There's A New Naked Man In Times Square

    Introducing The Naked Indian! The New guy on Broadway is stirring up all kinds of trouble with his legendary "competitor," The Naked Cowboy.

    Robert Burck — The Naked Cowboy — is more than annoyed about his new competition, and actually plans to sue The Naked Indian, whose real name is Adam David, unless he wants to join his company. From Time :

    “I’ve been here [in Times Square] 365 days, every day, for 13 years and change,” Burck told the New York Daily News. “He’s only been here 16 days and missed two already.”

    Burck wants David, to join his company, Naked Cowboy Enterprises, which includes variants on the “Naked” theme- or else face a hefty lawsuit.
    Such threats don’t seen to have fazed David, who claims to have a “word-of-mouth contract” with his rival.

    “This country was built on handshakes and word-of-mouth agreements. I don’t lose, I always win,” he said."

    So, who are you rooting for?