Lena Headey Is The Queen Regent Of Twitter

    The only person better than Cersei is the woman who plays Cersei, in real life.

    You know Lena Headey as Cersei in Game Of Thrones, the #1 sassiest diva of EVER.

    In real life, she's just like us, but BETTER.

    She's great at saying "Hi"

    ...in many different languages.

    She's not afraid to talk about farts

    Or shit...

    Or pee...

    Or what it means to "early pee."

    She gets the plight of Junior mints:

    Relates to ALL of us:

    And somehow manages to be sweet and sassy all in one tweet:

    She references Game of Thrones themes:

    Uploads photos like this:

    Calls Peter Dinklage her "brother" IRL!!!

    And then says this:

    She takes photos in her car with a bunny mask:

    And is really talented at drawing on her pictures, like so:

    She's good at expression making:

    And riding bulls:

    And she has a real eye for the small things in life:

    Sometimes she live-tweets Game of Thrones and it's great:

    All she wanted to know was how to get verified:

    But it wasn't even necessary:

    Because she's just that cool.