Kanye West Threw Kim Kardashian A Pregnancy Themed Surprise Birthday Party

    Where the HELL was my invite.

    If you follow Kylie Jenner on Snapchat (and if you don't — you should), then you might already know that Kim was thrown a surprise 35th birthday party yesterday.

    And turns out it was pregnancy-themed. Because Kim is pregnant.

    As Kim's truly amazing Instagram caption states, Kanye rented out a movie theater to screen the new Steve Jobs movie (?!) and everyone came dressed up as pregnant Kim (?!?!?!).

    Kim wasn't really sure what the motive behind the theme was, but it didn't matter because she loved it and had the best time.

    Here are some of the attendees in their fake belly looks, and Kylie cheating by using her fake baby bump for her butt.

    And this is the ultra-private and fancy movie theater that was rented out, courtesy of Kylie's Snapchats (which again — you should be following).