Justin Bieber Is Very Proud Of Himself For Coloring This Porn-y Anime

    Good job, Justin!

    Justin Bieber shared this photo of some beautiful coloring that he did.

    And yes, he really did it!!! As you can see, it took him 30 minutes, and it's an accomplishment because normally he can't sit still for that long. So DON'T JUDGE HIM.

    And you know what, I gotta say, he did a good job.

    In general it's clear that Justin has a natural talent of staying inside the lines.

    If you zoom in on the area where the girl is licking her hatchet, then you'll see what I'm saying.

    In conclusion: good job, Justin! Your colored pencil skills are impeccable. Thank you for showing us that your true talents lie in coloring porn-y anime girls.