Andrew Garfield's Beard Must Go Before It's Too Late

    It has reached beard bottom and now, we must say goodbye.

    Once upon a time in early 2014, Andrew Garfield was a fresh faced beauty.

    It was a time when we could see his chin and cheeks and still knew the overall shape of his face.

    But then this appeared.

    It would travel with Andrew.

    And show up at events with him.

    It would frighten children.

    Families became afraid to go outside.

    The beauty was underneath, but the beard was taking over.

    And it showed no signs of stopping.

    October 28, 2014: It crawls out from under the bed to show its stringy self.

    It grows.

    November 25, 2014: it surfaces again.

    December 23, 2014: It makes its most recent appearance.

    The beard shakes the world to its core.

    The truth is, if it doesn't go away soon, it might be stuck with him forever.

    So please Mr. Garfield, leave the beard in 2014.