"The Sun" Get Their Own Back On Russell Brand

    This was inevitable.

    Yesterday The Guardian published an article by Russell Brand in which he railed against The Sun and Rupert Murdoch.

    It was pretty full-on.

    In it, he compared the paper to Hitler, and referred to its proprietor Murdoch as "Aussie Skeletor" and an "animatronic al Qaeda recruitment poster."

    Unsurprisingly, today The Sun have retaliated.

    And they've even removed the paywall so as many as people as possible can see what they think of him.

    They point out that Brand hasn't always been a Sun hater.

    He's used the paper to plug stuff on a number of occasions. And in November 2009 he guest edited the Bizarre showbiz column.

    But the best part is surely this.

    @lukelewis @scottygb the best part is that they've drawn a fart coming out of his bottom, clearly demonstrating his hypocritical nature.



    @lukelewis @scottygb the best part is that they've drawn a fart coming out of his bottom, clearly demonstrating his hypocritical nature.

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