The 20 Best Signs From Margaret Thatcher's Funeral

    Powerful messages, from protestors and mourners alike.

    1. The Punch and Judy heckle.

    2. The heartfelt tribute.

    3. The extremely British admonishment.

    4. The old-school note of insurrection.

    5. The message of politely delivered fury.

    6. The ironic rejoinder.

    7. The blunt insult.

    8. The moment of zen.

    9. The red-paint outburst.

    10. The slightly dubious generalisation.

    11. The Spitting Image reference.

    12. The 'no frills' effort.

    13. The 'possibly needs work' effort.

    14. The slightly confusing rant.

    15. The socialist broadside.

    16. The dodgy collage.

    17. The grumpy taxpayer.

    18. The cheeky graffiti.

    19. Meanwhile, in Grantham...

    20. And in Barnsley.