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    13 Gifs For Any Parent Who Has Ever Taken Their Kids on Vacation

    "Please keep your vomit in your mouth right now."

    1. When you drop you the contents of your diaper bag in the middle of a crowded sidewalk:

    2. When your kid throws a tantrum in the security line at the airport:

    3. When they ask, “Are we there yet?” for the thirty-fifth time:

    4. When you finally find a bathroom and your kid refuses to go:

    5. When they won’t stop kicking the seat in front of them:

    6. When you get through an entire day without any fighting:

    7. When your baby cries for the entire duration of a trans-atlantic flight:

    8. When your kid picks the smelliest snack mid-road trip:

    9. When they forget their backpack in a taxi:

    10. When your kid throws up on an airplane:

    11. When they refuse to eat foreign food:

    12. When you think you lose your kid for a minute:

    13. When you finally get that PERFECT family photo: