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    21 Lies Irish People Can't Help But Tell

    We may be known as the country of saints and scholars, but we're also a nation full of fibbers.

    1. "I'm nipping out for a smoke. I'll be back in a second."

    2. "It's not too far away."

    3. "Ah! It was grand."

    4. "Sure, this is grand now."

    5. “My grandad was in The Quiet Man.”

    6. "I'm flat out."

    7. "I'm leaving the house now."

    8. "I'll be there at 7ish."

    9. “I’ll pop in for one."

    10. "I'm just down the road."

    11. "I'm serious!"

    12. "It's not too cold today."

    13. “My cousin’s neighbour was the sixth member of Boyzone.”

    View this video on YouTube / Via RTE/The Late Late Show

    During Boyzone's iconic television debut on The Late Late Show, we were introduced to two members who were eventually replaced by Mikey Graham. But who were they? Mark Walton from Raheny and Richard Rock from Rathmines, that's who. Not your mate's cousin.

    14. "That's great, thanks."

    15. "I will, yeah."

    16. "Cork is the real capital of Ireland."

    17. "That's a grand breeze."

    18. "There's going to be a heatwave next week."

    We no longer have to leave the house for anything anymore as evidenced by this footloose sunbathing in Dublin.

    If the weather forecast says that we can expect temperatures between 18 and 20 degrees celsius, we will consider that a heatwave. We will lavish every second of sunshine before the weather gods cruelly take it away from us.

    19. "It's only drizzling."

    20. "This shower will pass in a while."

    21. "You can see ____ from here on a clear day."