21 Facial Expressions All Brothers And Sisters Will Recognize

    Dad's chewing too loud.

    1. Dad is chewing so loud. Ew.

    2. Don't tell our parents what I said earlier.

    3. It's your turn to walk the dog.

    4. You're embarrassing me in front of my date.

    5. Grandma drank too much.

    6. I drank too much.

    7. That was me who farted.

    8. I know you farted... What did you just eat? I CAN'T BREATHE.

    9. Too much cheese.

    10. UGH, you know your stomach can't handle too much dairy.

    11. Sorry not sorry.

    12. You're gross.

    13. Your face is gross.

    14. Your mom is gross.

    15. That's your mom too.

    16. Oh yeah, ha.

    17. I'm internally rolling my eyes.

    18. I know you love me, even if you never say it.

    19. I know.

    20. Love you too, bro.

    21. I farted again.