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12 Ladylike Responses To The Most Annoying Things Said To Women


1. "Horizontal stripes make you look fat."

2. "Pair red lipstick with the lightest possible eye makeup."

3. "Don't wear leggings as pants."

4. "If you're 'apple-shaped,' don't draw attention to your middle."

5. "Don't overdo it; too many accessories can make your otherwise fashion-forward outfit look a bit forced."

6. Don't swear; it "shows a lack of vocabulary and is ungraceful."

7. “So when are you having a baby?”

8. "Don't get drunk; it's sloppy and unladylike."

9. "Also, if you get too intoxicated, you could get sexually assaulted."

10. "Calm your tits."

11. "It'll feel so much better without a condom."

12. Act any specific way to attract a man: "A little distance combined with the appearance of self-control makes him nervous that he may be losing you."