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11 Insanely Sexy Moves That Literally Every Man Loves

Try these sexy, sexy sex moves tonight. (WARNING: Contains toon nudity.)

1. Go out for beers with him in a tight T-shirt and jeans.

2. Clean the house in lingerie.

3. Lightly flick his tongue with your tongue, then flick his nose and eyeballs as well.

4. Pretend to be asleep then randomly start screaming.

5. Twirl his chest hair...with a fork.

6. Tell him how safe you feel in his arms...then start punching the air around you to "help him fight ghosts."

7. Put pepperoni all over your body and play "find the real nipple."

8. After he finds the "real nipple," arrange the leftovers in a heart on his bed for a sexy reminder in the morning.

9. Grab his dick like a microphone and sing into it.

10. Get a recording deal based on your "dick tunes" you recorded while singing into his "penis mic."

11. Legally change your name to Dickerella and tour with your dick tunes, singing into various dicks across the country.